Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Me Again......

Monday, February 23, 2009
Well this is the countless blog start for me. I have blogged on and off for several years, always meaning to write daily and keep a journal of my life.

That being said in the last two years life has seemed to control me instead of me controlling life and along with that has been the lack of time, motivation, & dedication to keep other blogs in the past up and going.

So you might be thinking exactly why I want to try this again. The simple answer is I want/need a journal to pour out my thoughts, document my life as it flies by and write for therapy.

I'm not a brilliant writer so excuse the run on sentences, improper use of commas and sometimes an incomplete thought. However, if you enjoy reading about a thirty-something single Mom of 3 who dates a forty-something Dad of 4 then you've come to the right place.


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